> Amazing Spider-Man Masterworks Volume 8

From the Mouths of the Marvels:

"I'm telling you, mister...I've never run from a fight before...and I'm not about to start now!"

- - Human Torch, to Spider-Man, page 4

A stunning splash page featuring the Lizard vs. a Marvel-ous Team-Up!


Amazing Spider-Man #77
October 1969 • 20 pages

Publication Date: July 1968

Letters Page: Page OnePage Two

I: Feature Story: "In the Blaze of Battle!"

Pages: 20

Script: Stan Lee
Layouts: John Buscema
Pencils: Jim Mooney
Inks: Jim Mooney
Letters: Sam Rosen

Villain: The Lizard

Guest Appearance: Martha Connors, Billy Connors, Human Torch

Synopsis: (continued from ASM #76)

Spider-Man begs the Human Torch to leave his fight with the Lizard as a private matter, but the Torch is a little slow on the uptake, so Spidey has to web him up with "asbestos" webbing. Spidey can't share his real reason for the request, concerned as he is with ultimately revealing the Lizard's true identity. The squabble between the two super-heroes allows the Lizard to slip away, but the Torch chases him down and knocks him off the top of a building. Spider-Man has to swoop down and save him.

Martha Connors hears a radio news bulletin about the Human Torch joining the fight against the Lizard, causing her immense grief that her husband will be hurt in the battle. Billy races off to do something to help his father.

The Human Torch lays it on hard against the Lizard, who sets a course for the waterfront. Spider-Man stops the Torch again by webbing his feet together, then races to reach the Lizard first...but stops by a nearby warehouse to check their inventory for a plan he has imagined to stop the Lizard. Meanwhile, the Torch frees himself and finds the Lizard on the deck of a ship, causing havoc. The Lizard leaps into the water, and the Torch aims his flame to the water's surface causing it to boil.

Spider-Man follows the Lizard down into the water and stuns him, then pulls him up to where the Torch is waiting. Spider-Man can't afford anymore interference from his hot-headed friend, so he decides to bluff the Torch by telling him that his "Spider-Sonic Underwater Hearing" has detected an urgent message from the Fantastic Four that they need the Torch's help immediately. The Torch flies off to join the FF and leaves Spidey to deal with the Lizard.

Spidey takes the limp body of the Lizard to the warehouse, and while looking for the special instrument he'll put his foe away with, Billy Connors stumbles onto the scene. The Lizard revives himself and grabs the boy, who passes out. Spider-Man carries a vat of dehydrating powder into the room and dumps it on the Lizard, and as the powder permeates his skin it weakens him and he turns back into Dr. Curt Connors. Later, Spider-Man helps reunite him with his family once again.

--synopsis by Gormuu

--letters pages provided by Debricazar

Issues Reprinted
Amazing Spider-Man #68-77, Marvel Super-Heroes #14

Click on cover image to learn more about each issue.


ASM #68

ASM #69

ASM #70

ASM #71

ASM #72

ASM #73

ASM #74

ASM #75

ASM #76

ASM #77

MSH #14


Website design by Doug Roberts and John Rhett Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.