> Amazing Spider-Man Masterworks Volume 8

From the Mouths of the Marvels:

"No on suspects how powerful I really am! No one believes how fast I can move! And by the time they grasp the truth...it's too late to save them!"

- - Kingpin, page 3

Spidey smackdown on the Kingpin!


Amazing Spider-Man #68
January 1969 • 20 pages

Publication Date: October 1968

Letters Page: Page OnePage Two

I: Feature Story: "Crisis on the Campus!"

Pages: 20

Script: Stan Lee
Layouts: John Romita
Pencils: Jim Mooney
Inks: Jim Mooney
Letters: Sam Rosen

First Appearance: Josh, Louis Wilson, Martha Robertson

Villain: Kingpin, Louis Wilson

Guest Appearance: Randy Robertson, Josh, J. Jonah Jameson, Joe Robertson, Gwen Stacy, Aunt May, Anna Watson

Flashback Cameo: Martha Robertson

Synopsis: The Kingpin sets his sights on a rare stone tablet on display at an exhibit hall at Empire State University. While concocting his plan, one of his flunkies casually mentions Spider-Man, which sends the gigantic crime boss into a rage. He rips into his henchmen in a wrestling match, goading them into doing their best to topple him. Even though they are six in number, they can't stop the Kingpin. He fires them all for incompetence and then focuses his mind on defeating the only foe who has ever beaten him - Spider-Man!

Peter meets Randy Robertson on the campus of ESU, and the two introduce each other. Peter thinks highly of Randy since he is the son of the honorable Robbie Robertson, city editor of the Daily Bugle. Randy's radical friend, Josh, shows up and tells Peter about ESU's plan to convert the exhibit hall where they are currently showcasing the stone tablet into a private dormitory for visiting alumni. Josh is ready to lead a protest march to demand they use the dorm for lower income students.

Later, Peter visits Aunt May with Gwen, but his elderly aunt doesn't share with him Dr. Bromwell's dire warnings for her health. Back on campus, Peter has a confrontation with Josh, who tries to bully him into marching on the exhibit hall. Peter turns to go inside the hall to see the tablet and is scorned by his fellow students for not siding with them. Josh rallies the crowd to take over the exhibit hall in a mass demonstration.

Jameson and Robbie Robertson run to campus to cover the news story of the student march, and Kingpin also sees the same news reports that convince him that now is the perfect opportunity to steal into the exhibit hall and get the stone tablet. He arrives at the campus and sets off an explosion nearby the hall, then rushes inside and pushes past the demonstrators to get at the tablet. Spider-Man swings into action to stop him. Kingpin throws some gas bombs to clear out the exhibit hall and cover his tracks, but Spidey tussles with him. Randy comes to Spider-Man's aide, but gets in over his head trying to grapple with the Kingpin, who viciously brushes him aside.

Spider-Man clears Randy from the scene before a blast from Kingpin's cane brings the walls down in the hall. Kingpin makes away with the tablet in the confusion and the police arrest the demonstrators, who they think were in on the Kingpin's plot. Spider-Man is determined to catch the Kingpin, and web-swings his way after the getaway car.

(continued in ASM #69)

--synopsis by Gormuu

--letters pages provided by Debricazar

Issues Reprinted
Amazing Spider-Man #68-77, Marvel Super-Heroes #14

Click on cover image to learn more about each issue.


ASM #68

ASM #69

ASM #70

ASM #71

ASM #72

ASM #73

ASM #74

ASM #75

ASM #76

ASM #77

MSH #14


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