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Interview with Keith R.A. DeCandido
To accompany the launch of the new page on this
website dedicated to Marvel novels, HERE, Chris
Leazer (MarvelMasterworks.com's very own Vice
President in Charge of Procrastination)
was lucky enough to be able to interview Keith R.A.
DeCandido, a former editor of the Marvel novels line,
and author of the upcoming Spider-Man:
Down These Mean Streets (due out this month),
the second book
in a brand new line of Marvel novels from Pocket
Keith has an extensive library of works under his belt
already, and it's growing all the time. Check out HIS
WEBSITE, which includes a full list of his works
CL: You played a big role in the previous
line of Marvel
novels. (I still remember a big "cool" factor when I
saw The Venom Factor in a bookstore. It seemed so
"mainstream".) How much did you do for that previous
line? Did you ever think that line would last for as
long as it did?
KRAD: I was the Editorial Director of that line
of Marvel novels for Byron
Preiss Multimedia Company, actually, so basically I
was in charge of
everything. I hired the novelists, I wrote the
contracts, I did the payment requests,
I hired the cover artists, I hired the interior
artists, I art-directed
the covers, I supervised the book design, I trafficked
everything to and
from Marvel for approval, and to and from Berkley
(BPMC's co-publisher on
the books, who handled the production and
distribution). I had help from a
variety of people -- three colleagues and four
assistants -- over the
years I worked on the program, but basically it was my
baby from when we got
the contract in 1993 until I left BPMC in 1999. The
only books I didn't
handle were the last few, the ones that came out in
2000, and even those I was
involved in at the early stages.
And I not only thought the line would last for as long
as it did, I
thought it would last longer. Sadly, some financial
shenanigans involving BPMC
-- a now defunct company -- killed it prematurely.
CL: Why Spider-Man? Is he a favorite of
yours? And what
can you tell us about Down These Mean Streets?
(Without spoiling too much.) Is this set in "movie
continuity", or does the book take place in what could
basically be described as "comic continuity"? For
example, are Peter and Mary Jane married?
place in the current comic book
continuity, as that's the license that Pocket has
acquired. So it'll be fairly
consistent with what you've been seeing in the Spidey
comics the past
few years. So yeah, Peter & MJ are married, and MJ
plays a good-sized
supporting role in the book.
The novel's about a new designer drug that's been
unleashed on New York
City called "Triple X" -- a form of ecstasy (commonly
called "X")
that's been enhanced with gamma radiation. In the
Marvel Universe, at least,
gamma radiation usually means turning green and
getting super powers (e.g.,
the Hulk, Doc Samson, the Leader, etc.), and that
happens to the people who
take this drug, too. Spider-Man works with the NYPD to
help keep a lid
on things -- especially when drug dealers who don't
have Triple X start
getting pissed at the cut into their business -- and
find out who's
putting this stuff on the street.
As for why Spider-Man -- he's been my favorite super
hero since I was a
kid watching him on THE ELECTRIC COMPANY. I've always
liked Spider-Man
because he's the type of hero that fascinates me more:
a person who's given
every reason to give up, to stop, to not give a damn,
to just let the world
go on without him, but he refuses to give in, and
always does the right
thing, regardless of the personal consequences to him,
which are often
CL: What can you tell us about the new line
of Marvel
novels? I take it you're not involved editorially, as
you were previously. The fact that you're writing one
of the first new offerings makes it seem like you were
chomping at the bit to get a crack at Spidey
KRAD: I was very much so, yes. Pocket picked up
the rights and I do most of
my tie-in writing for Pocket, so they know my work --
the editors working
on these books are the same ones who do the STAR TREK
novels -- and like
it. I also have more experience than anybody on the
planet with super heroes
in prose, so naturally they came to me when they
picked the license
In fact, I'm already working on the plot for a sequel
CL: You seem to write a lot of "media
tie-in" novels.
What attracts you to these? Is it primarily because
you're a fan of many of these universes? Or do
publishers approach you, because they trust you with
their property? (Or is it secretly because you like to
find out what happens in movies before anyone else
KRAD: It's a combination of both. I'm a huge
STAR TREK fan, I'm a huge BUFFY
fan, I'm a huge FARSCAPE fan, I'm a huge Spider-Man
fan, so in each of those
cases, I've written for them out of a sheer love for
the property. On
the other hand, my ANDROMEDA and upcoming STARCRAFT
and WARCRAFT novels all
came about because editors came to me because of my
past work.
I also keep doing it because people keep paying me for
it. This is what
I do for a living, after all, and one likes to eat and
pay rent...
CL: For that matter, how long does it take
you to write a
book like this? And how long ago did you finish this
particular book? When writing novels like this or Star
Trek, have you ever been burned by events that took
place in the comics or on a television episode that
screwed up parts of your book?
KRAD: Answering the last question first:
happens all the time. As a veteran
tie-in writer, I know that's a risk. Doesn't change
whether or not
you've written a good book, and I refuse to lose sleep
over what's "real" in a
fictional construct. To give a classic example, the
FIRST CONTACT totally blew the Judith & Garfield
Reeves-Stevens novel
FEDERATION out of the continuity waters, as it were,
as that movie contradicted
pretty much everything that happened in the novel
(regarding the history of
the 21st century in general and Zephram Cochrane in
particular in the TREK
universe). Yet FIRST CONTACT remains a well-regarded
movie and
FEDERATION remains one of the most beloved TREK
So "burned" is too extreme a word. Sometimes it
happens. I shrug and
move on.
As for time, I take as long as they give me. If I have
six months, I
take six months. If I have three weeks, I take three
weeks. Sadly, I've had
three weeks far more often than I've had six
I turned in the first draft of DOWN THESE MEAN
STREETS to my editor on
15 March 2005, but that was unusually late. Because of
the vagaries of the
approvals process, both my novel and Greg Cox's
ZONE were very late in the production cycle.
CL: Lately, we've seen lots of authors try
their hands at
writing comic books. You're obviously familiar with
the medium and format. Have you thought about writing
comic books again lately? Are there any dream projects
that you wish you could work on?
KRAD: I have -- and in fact, I wrote a
four-issue STAR TREK comic book in
1999 -- and mostly haven't pursued it aggressively due
to lack of time. Having
said that, I've had some conversations with two
different comic companies
about some possible work in the future, so that may
change soon....
CL: As someone who's obviously spent a lot
of time
writing Spider-Man stories, did you ever think you'd
get to see such a wonderfully executed Spidey movie on
the big screen? Did you even think it was possible?
KRAD: Possible, yes; likely, not so much. But
the two Sam Raimi movies
succeeded way beyond my wildest expectations. I was
very impressed and grateful.
CL: One thing that always impressed me in
the previous
line of novels was the Chronology that was listed in
the backs of the books. That thing just got longer and
longer! Towards the end, I think it was around 9 or 10
pages. Was that a labor of love on your part?
KRAD: Absolutely. I was very proud of the way
we created our own little
"pocket Marvel universe" in the novels, making them
all consistent with each
other. Even if it was just little things, like Dr.
Octopus's appearance in the
DOOM'S DAY trilogy picking up from where we left the
character in THE
CL: You're probably most famous for your
Star Trek work.
What's your favorite Trek crew? What about S.C.E.?
Do you
enjoy telling a shorter story? Do you find that format
easier to work within?
KRAD: Well, my favorite TREK crews are the da
Vinci crew from S.C.E. and the
I.K.S. Gorkon crew from that series, but that's
because I more or less
created them....
Regarding S.C.E., I like the format, as it's kind of
the best of both
worlds between a TV show and a novel -- you have the
shorter, punchier
stories you get on television, as well as the
serialized nature of it
with a new one every month, but you still have the
greater depth you can
achieve in prose.
CL: What's your take on the current state of
the Star
Trek franchise? Obviously, great new Star Trek books
are still coming out every month, so the franchise is
far from dead. In fact, now that certain casts and
crews seem to have filmed their final scene, it
appears that whole new avenues are now free for ST
novels to explore. (Titan being the most recent
KRAD: I think the notion of "franchise fatigue"
is bull, and the novels prove
that every month. It's just a case of finding a TREK
that will appeal
to the large audience that is necessary for a TV show
to survive. TNG had
it, and then each subsequent TV show had less of one,
to the point where
ENTERPRISE was cancelled after four seasons, and it
only lasted that
long because UPN wasn't overburdened with viable
STAR TREK is too important to Paramount for it to lie
fallow too long;
I'm sure someone will come up with a creative way to
revive the franchise
on screen, and in the meantime -- just like the last
time there was no new
TREK on the air or in theatres -- the novels will keep
the light on
until then, as it were.
CL: Finally, since this is a site devoted to
Masterworks, do you have any thoughts on those
particular books? They are, after all, the stories
that everything else was built on (and lately, Marvel
has added the Golden Age stories from World War II to
the line). Some of them hold up surprisingly well,
even in this new millenium. Do you have time to read
comics these days? Let alone classic reprints like
KRAD: I don't have as much time to read comics
as I did, but I still do read
them assiduously, youbetcha. And I think the
MASTERWORKS are wonderful, a
noble and grand gesture that keeps the very rich
history of the Marvel
Universe alive.
Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties. |