
From the Mouths of the Marvels:
"During the entire decade of the 1960s, if you read comics and wanted to see something new, something fresh and exciting, something innovative and unlike anything you'd ever seen before in a comic book, there was only one place to go: the Baxter Building. Lee and Kirby's Fantastic Four was, at its peak, almost inarguably the richest and most imaginative comic in the history of the medium."-- Mark Waid, on the Fantastic Four, p. 107
From the Inside Dustflap:
"Thousands of years ago, ancient storytellers gathered around a fire to regale the tribe with stories of the great hunters and the great hunt. On hillsides overlooking marble white temples, great Greek and Roman fablers awed their audiences with tales of warriors of battles past and mighty gods of legend who walk among us...To this day, we continue this tradition at the modern Marvel. With the most fruitful minds in all of the entertainment world, we create, on a daily basis, the myths and legends of tomorrow." -- Joe Quesada
A who's who of the comic-book industry's most talented pencilers and painters present unparalleled visions of Spider-Man, Wolverine and the X-Men, the Hulk, Daredevil and Elektra, Captain America and the Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the Punisher and many more of Marvels greatest heroes and villains.
The Art of Marvel, Vol. 1
List price: $29.99 (US) • $48.00 (Canada)
ISBN: 0-7851-1163-8 • Original Release Date: 11/5/03
128 pages
Buy From:
AMAZON USA: $20.39
AMAZON UK: £15.02 •
Featured Artists: Mark Bagley, Julie Bell, Tim Bradstreet, J. Scott Campbell, John Cassaday, Richard Corben, ChrisCross, Gabriele Dell'Otto, David Finch, Bryan Hitch, Greg Horn, Stuart Immonen, J. G. Jones, Joe Jusko, Dale Keown, Sam Kieth, Adam Kubert, Andy Kubert, Bob Larkin, Salvador Larroca, Jae Lee, Joseph Linsner, David Mack, Alex Maleev, Tom Marvelli, Josh Middleton, Rudolfo Migliari, Joe Quesada, Frank Quitely, Esad Ribic, Steve Rude, Tim Sale, Bill Sienkiewicz, Mark Texeira, Matt Wagner, Lee Weeks, Mike Wieringo
Cover Art: Alex Ross
Editors: Jeff Youngquist & Cory Sedlmeier with Jennifer Grunwald
Art Director: Matty Ryan
The Art of Marvel Vol. 1 is split into several chapters which show off art pieces dedicated to certain
characters and teams. The chapters include: Spider-Man, X-Men, Daredevil, Hulk, Marvel Heroes
(Avengers, FF, etc.), and Marvel Knights (Black Widow, Nick Fury, Punisher, etc.) Each chapter opens
with a capsule description of the characters, and the art is fleshed out with covers, panels, and pin-ups
from the last few years of Marvel Comics art. Art is interspersed with quotes from today's top creators
in Marvel Comics. Some pieces of art are two-page splashes, some are full-page splashes, and some
are economically laid-out pieces of art, done three-to-a-page.
(In the following list of contents, I have attempted to source each piece of art to its original publication.
As of now, this list is not complete, and I welcome any additions to the list or corrections to be emailed
to me. Thanks! -- Gormuu)
- 2 pg: Spider-Man spread: John Romita, Jr. (intro)
- 1 pg: SM: Kaare Andrews
- 1 pg: SM: three panels: Kaare Andrews (Axel Alonso quote)
- 1 pg: SM: Vince Evans
- 1 pg: SM: Glen Orbick
- 1 pg: SM: Amazing Fantasy #15 remake, Alex Ross
- 1 pg: SM: Alex Ross
- 2 pg: SM vs. GREEN GOBLIN, Alex Ross
- 1pg: SM: J. Scott Campbell, cover Best of Spider-Man HC vol. 1
- 1 pg: SM: three panels: J. Scott Campbell, ASM covers (Stan Lee quote)
- 1 pg: VENOM, Sam Kieth
- 1 pg: SM vs GREEN GOBLIN, Jae Lee
- 2 pg: SM vs SINISTER SIX, Jae Lee
- 1 pg: SM, Tim Sale
- 1 pg: three panels: SM: Blue covers by Tim Sale (Sale quote)
- 1 pg: SM, Joe Quesada
- 1 pg: SM, Joe Quesada
- 1 pg: SM, Mark Bagley
- 1 pg: three panels: Mark Bagley, USM covers (Bendis quote)
- 1 pg: SM, Mark Bagley
- 1 pg: SM, Mark Bagley
- 1 pg: SM/Wolverine, Ultimate Team-Up cover, Matt Wagner
- 1 pg: SM/Wolverine/DD, David Finch
- 2 pg: New X-Men #114 splash, Frank Quitely (intro)
- 1 pg: Wolverine, Dale Keown
- 1 pg: Wolverine, Joe Quesada
- 1 pg: Wolverine, Esad Ribic
- 1 pg: three panels: Esad Ribic (Greg Rucka quote)
- 1 pg: Wolverine, Adam Kubert
- 1 pg: Wolverine, Adam Kubert
- 1 pg: Wolverine, Joe Quesada Origin #1 cover
- 1 pg: Wolverine three panels: Quesada Origin covers (#2, 4-5) (Quesada quote)
- 2 pg: Wolverine, from Origin #5, Andy Kubert
- 1 pg: Wolverine, Frank Quitely NXM #115 COVER
- 1 pg: NXM covers three panels, NXM #117, 118, 120 Quitely: (G. Morrison quote)
- 1 pg: Rogue, Julie Bell
- 1 pg: Rogue/Gambit, Rudolfo Migliari
- 1 pg: Mystique, Joseph Linsner
- 1 pg: Storm, ChrisCross
- 1 pg: Dani Moonstar, Josh Middleton
- 1 pg: New Mutants, Josh Middleton
- 1 pg: Emma Frost, Greg Horn
- 1 pg: Emma Frost covers three panel, Greg Horns: (Bruce Timm quote)
- 1 pg: original X-Men, Children Atom cover, Steve Rude
- 1 pg: original X-Men, Alex Ross
- 2 pg: New X-Men splash, Gabrielle Dell'Otto
- 1 pg: Ultimate X-Men, ChrisCross
- 1 pg: Magneto, Salvador Larocca
- 2 pg: DD splash, from Daredevil #8, Quesada (intro)
- 1 pg: DD: Yellow #1 cover, Tim Sale
- 1 pg: three panels: Tim Sale, DD: Yellow covers (#2, 4 & 6) (Stan Lee quote)
- 1 pg: DD #1 variant cover, Joe Quesada
- 1 pg: DD #3 cover, Joe Quesada
- 1 pg: DD/Spider-Man, DD #8 cover, Joe Quesada
- 1 pg: DD #11 cover, Quesada
- 1 pg: DD, Mack
- 1 pg: Kingpin, DD #13 cover, Joe Quesada
- 1 pg: DD, Mack
- 1 pg: DD/Urich, Mack
- 1 pg: DD, Maleev
- 1 pg: three panels: Maleev covers (Mark Steven Johnson quote)
- 1 pg: Elektra, Maleev
- 1 pg: Elektra, Greg Horn
- 1 pg: Elektra, Greg Horn
- 1 pg: three panels: Elektra Horn covers (Mark Steven Johnson quote)
- 1 pg: Elektra, Rudolfo Migliari
- 1 pg: Elektra,Bill Sienkiewicz
- 2 pg: Hulk splash, Horn (intro)
- 1 pg: Hulk, Keown
- 1 pg: Hulk, Keown
- 2 pg: Hulk splash, Bryan Hitch
- 1 pg: Hulk, cover to Hulk #34, Kaare Andrews
- 1 pg: Hulk, #43 cover, Kaare Andrews
- 1 pg: Hulk, #37 cover, Kaare Andrews
- 1 pg: three panels: Hulk Andrews (#36, 2 other covers) (Bruce Jones quote)
- 2 pg: Hulk vs Abomination splash, Stuart Immonen
- 1 pg: Leader, Tom Marvelli
- 1 pg: Abomination, Tom Marvelli
- 1 pg: She-Hulk, J. G. Jones
- 1 pg: Hulk, Bob Larkin
- 2 pg: Hulk splash, JR, Jr.
- 2 pg: Marvel Heroes splash, Alex Ross (intro)
- 1 pg: Avengers, Alex Ross
- 1 pg: Avengers, J. G. Jones
- 1 pg: Captain America, John Cassaday
- 1 pg: three panels: Cap John Cassaday covers (Max Allan Collins quote)
- 1 pg: Black Cap, Quesada
- 1 pg: Thor/Hulk, Joe Jusko
- 1 pg: Iron Man, Horn
- 1 pg: Thor, Alex Ross
- 1 pg: FF, Alex Ross
- 1 pg: three panels: FF Wieringo covers (Mark Waid quote)
- 2 pg: Ultimates splash, Bryan Hitch
- 2 pg: Marvel Heroes splash, Alex Ross
- 2 pg: Marvel Villains splash, Alex Ross
- 2 pg: Marvel Knights splash, JG Jones (intro)
- 1 pg: Black Widow, Horn
- 1 pg: Black Widow, Horn
- 1 pg: Black Widow/Nick Fury, Horn
- 1 pg: Nick Fury, Lee Weeks
- 1 pg: Punisher, Tim Bradstreet
- 1 pg: three panels: Punisher covers (Mark Millar quote)
- 1 pg: Alias, David Mack
- 1 pg: Alias, David Mack
- 1 pg: Cage, Richard Corben
- 1 pg: three panels: Cage covers (Maxim Online quote)
- 1 pg: Inhumans, Jae Lee
- 1 pg: Inhumans, Jae Lee
- 1 pg: Black Panther, Mark Teixeira
-- synopsis by Gormuu