> Civil War Collected Editions

> X-Men Universe TPBs



From the Mouths of the Marvels:


-- ?????



(Click panels for larger images.)


Featured Characters:

Cable & Deadpool #30-32

  • Cable
  • Deadpool
  • Great Lakes Avengers
  • Captain America
  • Daredevil
X-Factor #8-9

  • Madrox
  • Strong Guy
  • Monet
  • Layla Miller
  • Rictor
  • Wolfsbane
  • Strong Guy
  • Siryn
  • Spider-Man
  • Aegis
  • Astonishing X-Men


  Civil War: X-Men Universe TPB

Reprints: Cable & Deadpool #30-32, X-Factor #8-9

List price: $13.99 (US) • $22.50 (Canada)
ISBN: 0-7851-2243-5
Original Release Date: 05/09/07
120 pages

About This Book:

Hot on the heals of both smash hits HOUSE OF M and SON OF M, Quicksilver returns! But is he friend or foe!? Complicating matters even more, the divisiveness of CIVIL WAR has spread to X-FACTOR: Half of them want to cooperate with the government; the other half wants to take a stand against it. It's Jamie's choice that may well decide whether X-Factor stays together or cracks apart. Plus: In another corner of the X-Men universe, the CIVIL WAR really hits home! What happens when Cable and Deadpool find themselves on opposite sides of the fence, and both refuse to budge? What else: They fight! But it's not just your usual fun super-hero teeth-chipping spittle-snarling battle. It will change the lives of these two characters forever! Collecting X-FACTOR #8-9 and CABLE & DEADPOOL #30-32.



Writer: Fabian Nicieza
Pencils: Staz Johnson
Inks: Klaus Janson, John Stanisci (#32)
Colors: Gotham
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Cover Art: Amanda Conner
Editor: Nicole Boose

CABLE & DEADPOOL #30: "The Hero Hunter"
22 pages + cover • September 2006

Deadpool tries to apprehend the Great Lakes Avengers to register, but finds out only after much carnage that they have already registered. Deadpool is drafted as a bounty hunter to go after unregistered heroes. Cable tries to talk Captain America into going into exile on Providence. Deadpool figures out Daredevil's new identity and goes to arrest him, but runs into not just DD, but Cap, Goliath and other heroes.

* * *

CABLE & DEADPOOL #31: "Casualties of War"
23 pages + cover • October 2006

Deadpool fights with Cap's Secret Avengers until Cap stops the fight. After accidentally shooting himself with his own tranquilizer darts, Cap and his men tie Deadpool up and leave him behind so they can head out to their mission to the chemical plant. Later, Cable returns and teleports Deadpool to the White House. Cable warns the President against implementing the Fifty States Initiative and disables the White House's security detail. The President asks Deadpool to arrest Cable.

* * *

CABLE & DEADPOOL #32: "A House Divided"
22 pages + cover • November 2006

Cable and Deadpool fight in the White House to a draw. Cable and the President share their thoughts on the Registration Act and what it means. Gareb and Irene discuss the fallout from Cable's confrontation with the President. Cable body slides Deadpol back to church outside of Paris, where they start beating on each other in a fight. Cable goads Deadpool into making embarrassing statements about his motives for wanting to be an agent to hunt down unregistered heroes, which are transmitted live to the internet, thus ruining his status as a pro-Reg enforcer. Cable, it seems, has other plans for Deadpool....

X-FACTOR #8-9:

Writer: Peter David
Art: Dennis Calero
Colors: Jose Villarrubia
Letterer: VC's Cory Petit
Cover Art: Ryan Sook
Editor: Andy Schmidt

X-FACTOR #8: "Collision Course"
22 pages + cover • August 2006

Quicksilver shows up at the X-Factor offices and exposes some mutants in the streets to the Terrigen Mists, but their newfound powers don't last very long. Jamie's SHIELD agent duplicate arrives and persuades Monet and Rictor to comply with the Registration Act. Jamie takes DNA samples of Damian Tryp and his son to a secret lab and finds out that their samples are identical matches; the samples also mark him as a human subspecies. Siryn helps Spider-Man stop a mugging and is able to wheedle the facts of House of M/Decimation from him.

* * *

X-FACTOR #9: "Trust Issues"
21 pages + cover • September 2006

Armed with information about M-Day, X-Factor confronts Quicksilver about his role in that event, and the silver-haired mutant responds in his typically arrogant manner, leaving X-Factor further confused as to how to respond. Capping a typically odd conversation, Layla tells Jamie that one day they're going to get married. Jamie Madrox bumps into Aegis, on the run from a registration "cape killer" unit, and he helps him evade arrest. The "Astonishing" X-Men, led by Cyclops, arrive at X-Factor HQ and demand Quicksilver surrender, but X-Factor steps in and tells Cyclops that they are opposing the Registration Act on principle. The X-Men leave Quicksilver in Mutant Town as X-Factor's responsibility to keep up with.

-- synopsis by Gormuu


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