> Civil War Collected Editions

> Marvel Universe TPBs



From the Mouths of the Marvels:

"Something stinks, Ben Urich. You know it. Everybody knows it. I want to find it."

-- Sally Floyd, Front Line #4



(Click panels for larger images.)


Featured Characters:

Civil War: Front Line #1-6


  • Ben Urich
  • Sally Floyd
  • Spider-Man
  • Iron Man
  • Captain America
  • Norman Osborn/Green Goblin
  • J. Jonah Jameson
  • Robbie Robertson

"The Accused"

  • Speedball
  • She-Hulk/Jennifer Walters

"Sleeper Cell"

  • Wonder Man


  Civil War: Front Line Book 1 TPB

Reprints: Civil War: Front Line #1-6

List price: $14.99 (US) • $24.00 (Canada)
ISBN: 0-7851-2312-1
Original Release Date: 04/18/07
208 pages

Extra Content:

  • Handbook Page: Speedball

About This Book:

In "Embedded", there's a truth buried deep in the heart of every war, and reporters Sally Floyd and Ben Urich will be there, uncovering that truth in the midst of the biggest conflagration in the Marvel Universe! In the wake of the Stamford disaster, the public cries out for super hero registration. Are the costumed heroes of the Marvel Universe protectors or ticking time bombs? Find out here! And in "The Accused", the lone survivor of the team that caused the Stamford tragedy has been found. But living through one of the worst super human disasters in history may be the worst thing that could happen, as this vilified hero is placed under arrest for the deaths of an entire town. Unfortunately, the trouble's just beginning. Also featuring "Sleeper Cell," starring Wonder Man, and true tales of war time in "Correspondence."



Writer: Paul Jenkins
Cover Art: John Watson
Letterer: VC's Randy Gentile
Editor: Cory Sedlmeier

Pencils: Ramon Bachs
Inks: John Lucas
Colorist: Laura Martin

"The Accused"
Artist: Steve Lieber
Colorist: June Chung

"Sleeper Cell"
Pencils: Lee Weeks
Inks: Rob Campanella
Colorist: Sotocolor's J. Brown

32 pages + cover • August 2006

"Embedded Part One"
18 pages

Sally Floyd and Ben Urich attend the funeral held for Don Fernandez, the cameraman for the New Warriors reality show who was killed in the blast in Stamford. Sally covers the contiuing story of the events at Stamford for The Alternative, while Ben covers it for the Daily Bugle. Spider-Man visits Sally at her apartment about the story of her daughter, and he reminds her that his family is just as important to him, and to reflect that in her coverage. Meanwhile, in a public press conference, Tony Stark reveals his identity as Iron Man.

"The Accused Part One"
11 pages

Speedball's body is recovered in a wheat field in New York state. He appears dead, then bursts to life in a massive explosion that claims the lives of the men who found him. He comes to in a hospital bed having been arrested by SHIELD.

3 pages
Artist: Kei Kobayashi
Colorist: Christina Strain

A poem by a citizen in a Japanese internment camp during WWII is juxtaposed with Spider-Man's troubles coming to terms with the Registration Act.

32 pages + cover • August 2006

"Embedded Part Two"
14 pages

Firestar hangs up her costume rather than register. Peter is fired from the Daily Bugle, talks to Ben Urich about revealing his identity, and Jameson and Robertson discuss Peter's past with the Bugle now that they know who he really is. Iron Man confronts the unregistered hero Prodigy and takes him down.

"The Accused Part Two"
9 pages

Speedball is asked to register but he refuses. He is held as an unregistered super-power and sent to a federal prison, where he meets a prison bully named Toomey.

"The Program"
4 pages
Artist: Leandro Fernandez
Colorist: Dan Brown

Norman Osborn watches on television as Spider-Man unmasks, furious that Parker has revealed his identity. He is approached by SHIELD agents to discuss future working relationships....

5 pages
Artist: Kano
Colorist: Dean White

Iron Man's pro-registration stance is cast alongside the Julias Caesar crossing the Rubicon.

32 pages + cover • September 2006

"Embedded Part Three"
12 pages

Sally meets a resistance group of heroes led by Typeface. Ben Urich meets Reed Richards and questions him on his methodology. Sally watches as Thunderclap resists arrest from pro-registration hero Bantam, a fight which leads to Bantam's death.

"The Accused Part Three"
9 pages

Robbie meets with his lawyer, Jennifer Walters. Later, he challenges Toomey to a bout in the ring, meets his weird cellmate, Hickey. Jen sets up a deal for Robbie to get out of prison by registering, but Robbie insists on refusing.

"Sleeper Cell Part One"
7 pages

A pet store specializing in fish burns to the ground in a freak explosion. The owner turns out to be an Atlantean.

4 pages
Artist: David Aja
Colorist: Jose Villarrubia

Paramedics try to save Bantam's life after his fight with Thunderclap. Narrative provided by Wilfred Owen's WWI poem, "Futility".

32 pages + cover • September 2006

"Embedded Part Four"
13 pages

Sally suspects there is a conspiracy behind Bantam's death, and Ben is warned by an anonymous note that Sally may be on to something. Iron Man leads a SHIELD task force to arrest Typeface's resistance group; some are arrested, while other escape. Meanwhile, Ben finds himself being harassed by the Green Goblin.

"The Accused Part Four"
9 pages

Robbie faces Toomey in the ring. He gets ahead of his counterpart but receives a shiv in his leg, which seems to trigger his explosive powers. His mother meets him in jail and tells him she's not going to come visit him anymore.

"Sleeper Cell Part Two"
5 pages

Detectives continue their investigation into the fish store fire and throw around their theories. Meanwhile, the crime scene is being monitored by Atlanteans.

4 pages
Pencils: Sean Chen
Inks: Rick Magyar
Colorist: Sotocolor's A. Crossley

Images of Vietnam and the lyrics of Billy Joel's "Goodbye Saigon" are juxtaposed with Iron Man taking out Typeface's enclave of resistance fighters.

32 pages + cover • October 2006

"Embedded Part Five"
12 pages

Ben tells Robertson and Jameson about the threats he's been receiving from the Green Goblin. Sally is warned by a mystery man that "there is no conspiracy". Jameson won't do anything to help Ben and winds up firing him. Eric Marshall, a SHIELD agent, arrests Sally and her editor for harboring terrorists.

"The Accused Part Five"
9 pages

Speedball is transferred to "Fantasy Island", the Negative Zone prison.

"Sleeper Cell Part Three"
7 pages

Wonder Man is elbowed by federal agents into chasing down "Joe", the alleged sleeper agent responsible for exploding the fish store.

4 pages
Artist: Roy Allan Martinez
Colorist: Sotocolor's A. Crossley

Alexander and James Campbell were two brothers on opposite sides of the Civil War between states. Their story is juxtaposed with Iron Man and Spider-Man's difficulties on opposite sides of the registration issue.

32 pages + cover • October 2006

"Embedded Part Six"
12 pages

Robertson talks Ben into staying at the Bugle. Sally gets interrogated by Marshall while Reed Richards looks on. Ben witnesses the fight at the chemical plant that culminates in the death of Goliath. Ben finds that the question he poses to Iron Man about the pro-registration side employing villains has gotten under his skin....

"The Accused Part Six"
9 pages

Robbie is offered the chance to testify in front of Congress by Reed Richards. He agrees, but before he can enter the building, he is shot at point blank range by an unknown assailant.

"Sleeper Cell Part Four"
7 pages

Wonder Man tails his Atlantean target and finds their operation center.

4 pages
Artist: Jorge Lucas

Nighthawk is captured, juxtaposed against a poem by John Magee.

-- synopsis by Gormuu


Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.