> Civil War Collected Editions

> Marvel Universe TPBs



From the Mouths of the Marvels:

"Whatever it takes, whatever it costs, in time or in blood...I'm there. You've got your blood oath."

-- Peter Parker, to Tony Stark, in Amazing Spider-Man #529



(Click panels for larger images.)


Featured Characters:

Civil War #1-7

  • Iron Man
  • Captain America
  • Fantastic Four
  • Spider-Man
  • Young Avengers
  • Luke Cage
  • Hank Pym
  • Wolverine
  • Goliath
  • Falcon
  • Punisher
  • She-Hulk
  • Cloak & Dagger
  • Miriam Sharpe
  • X-Men
  • Maria Hill
  • New Warriors
  • Ms. Marvel
  • Daredevil
  • Hercules
  • Black Panther
  • Thunderbolts
  • "Clor"
  • Cable
  • Tigra
  • Nighthawk


  Civil War TPB

Reprints: Civil War #1-7

List price: $24.99 (US) • $40.00 (Canada)
ISBN: 0-7851-2179-X
Original Release Date: 04/04/07
192 pages

Extra Content:

  • TBA

About This Book:

The landscape of the Marvel Universe is changing, and it's time to choose: Whose side are you on? A conflict has been brewing for more than a year, threatening to pit friend against friend, brother against brother -- and all it will take is a single misstep to cost thousands their lives and ignite the fuse! As the war claims its first victims, no one is safe as teams, friendships and families begin to fall apart. The crossover that rewrites the rules, CIVIL WAR stars Spider-Man, the New Avengers, the Fantastic Four, the X-Men and the entirety of the Marvel pantheon!



Writer: Mark Millar
Pencils: Steve McNiven
Inks: Dexter Vines
Colorist: Morry Hollowell
Letterer: Chris Eliopoulos
Cover Art: Steve McNiven
Editor: Tom Brevoort

32 pages + cover • July 2006

The New Warriors reality show hits Stamford, CT, and their over eager attempt to take out a band of super-villains goes terribly wrong. Namorita challenges Nitro at the curb of an elementary school and he unleashes a tremendous explosive force that levels the surrounding area and kills virtually everybody in it.

A collection of heroes, including the X-Men and the Avengers, assists local recovery units to help clean up the disaster area and save any lives that they can. Public reaction in the aftermath of the Stamford incident, which has claimed over 600 lives including several dozen schoolchildren, turns against all super-powered people, whether "good guys" or "bad guys". Tony Stark is spit on at a public memorial service by the mother of one of the children who was killed. Johnny Storm, the Human Torch, is savagely beaten at a nightclub by people who extend blame to him for the Stamford incident.

Many super-heroes meet at the Stark Tower to discuss their next move, and inevitable arguments ensue about the best course of action in the face of growing public resentment and calls for Congress to regulate their activities.

Captain America has been summoned by Maria Hill to SHIELD heli-carrier in order to get him to climb on board the movement to register all super-humans. Cap rejects this idea, which instantly triggers a command from Hill to have him arrested. Cap is not easily taken, however, and he escapes the heli-carrier as only he can.

Iron Man, Hank Pym and Reed Richards meet with the President of the United States and his cabinet to proclaim their assistance in helping get all the heroes on board the registering of their identities - or track them down if they resist.

* * *

22 pages + cover • August 2006

Captain America, in hiding and aided by a company of super-heroes, including the Falcon, perform as heroes, taking out super-villains and leaving them so they can be taken into custody. At the same time, Iron Man is leading a group of heroes on similar missions above ground after having registered with the government.

After the Registration Act is officially signed into law and goes into effect, a concerted effort is begun to apprehend all unlicensed super-powers. Patriot and the rest of the Young Avengers, who refused to sign, are arrested by a crack team of SHIELD "capekillers". But on the way to transfer them to prison, they are rescued by a shock resistance team led by Cap and the Falcon, and they are taken to an underground safehouse lent by Nick Fury where Cap has organized the beginnings of a resistance movement.

Shortly thereafter, in a bid to help win back public acceptance of super-heroes and legitimize government efforts led by Iron Man, Spider-Man appears before live TV cameras and removes his mask, identifying himself as Peter Parker.

* * *

22 pages + cover • September 2006

Tony meets with Emma Frost to try and recruit the X-Men to his cause, but is told that the X-Men are declaring neutrality in this whole matter. Reed Richards visits Wakanda to recruit Black Panther and is given a similar message.

Captain America meets with his pals Hercules, Daredevil, and Goliath in their new civilian identities that help them remain under the radar but still able to perform their jobs as super-heroes. Suddenly, they are called off to respond to a huge explosion at a nearby oil refinery, but upon arrival, they quickly find out that it's a trap sprung by Iron Man. Iron Man asks his old friend to give him a few minutes to explain his point of view about why registration is a good idea, but Cap decides it is time to fight.

A melee between the assembled heroes on two different sides of the philosophical divide erupts, and it reaches a crescendo of action that comes to a sudden and unexpected stop, when Cap's side is visited by an unexpected member of Iron Man's army: the Mighty Thor!

* * *

22 pages + cover • October 2006

Iron Man has Captain America on the ropes until Hercules comes to his rescue. Meanwhile, Cap's forces are in retreat in the face of the Thor's onslaught. Goliath decides to confront Thor head on, but Thor unleashes an incredible blast of energy that literally blasts a hole right through him. Goliath falls to the ground, dead. Most everyone is in total shock, but Sue Storm, who has been on Iron Man's side so far, realizes she has to help Cap's team escape while they still can.

Nighthawk and Stature (Cassie Lang, Scott Lang's daughter) have seen enough, and tell Cap that they are leaving the resistance movement because they didn't expect things to get this out of control.

Bill Foster's funeral is rather awkward, as his body has been frozen in its gigantic proportion. Sue can't continue to support her husband's support of Iron Man's pro-registration movement and leaves him, with Johnny by her side.

The "New" Thunderbolts are unveiled, with their mission to seek out unregistered super-heroes like Cap and have them arrested. On the team are notable bad guys like Jester, Jack O'Lantern, Taskmaster, Bullseye and more.

* * *

22 pages + cover • November 2006

Sue and Johnny are on the run and escape past a SHIELD detail, while Stature and Nighthawk officially join Iron Man's side. Iron Man and Spider-Man argue about their principles, with the frayed edges of their relationship coming to the fore. Eventually, a fight breaks out between them, and Spider-Man is forced to flee the Avengers Tower.

Maria Hill sends the Thunderbolts unit out to capture Spider-Man. The Jester and Jack O'Lantern pin Spider-Man down in the sewer systems underneath New York City, where they have him on the ropes until they are shot dead by a mystery assailant.

Carrying the unconscious body of Spider-Man to the doorstep of Captain America's enclave is none other than the Punisher. A heated discussion erupts over allowing the Punisher to join up with the resistance, while Tigra slinks around in the shadows beaming data back to SHIELD counter-agents.

Tony Stark leads Daredevil, in custody at Ryker's Island penitentiary, through a portal to the newly constructed Negatize Zone prison for super-powered humans. He tries to get Daredevil to hear him out about the virtues of registration, but Daredevil calls him a Judas.

* * *

22 pages + cover • December 2006

Maria Hill and Hank Pym oversee the implementation of super-human training for the 50 State Initiative, while Reed Richards and Tony Stark discuss the "Big Push" to round up all remaining super-humans that are not registered. Reed Richards tells Tony he's received assurance from the President that they will be given twelve immunities to help selected heroes avoid detention after their arrest.

Meanwhile, the Punisher has penetrated the Baxter Building to gather data on the Negative Zone prison. Sue visits Namor in his undersea kingdom to ask him to help Cap's team. Namor refuses.

At the "Secret Avengers" headquarters, Cap goes over battle plans to take out the NZ prison. Diamondback summons Goldbug and the Plunderer, two former bad guys who want to join the resistance. Not being able to help himself, the Punisher guns them down in cold blood. Cap beats the living daylights out of the Punisher who refuses to fight back against Cap. Punisher is kicked out of Cap's resistance army.

Later, the "Secret Avengers", now joined by Black Panther and Storm, enter Ryker's Island to access the NZ prison facility, but are confronted by Iron Man's team. Both sides, it is revealed, had moles informing the other team of their activities: Tigra is revealed as Iron Man's mole, and the form of Yellowjacket melts away to reveal the shape-shifting Young Avenger, Hulkling. Posing as Hany Pym, Hulkling was able to gain the access codes needed to release all the prisoners held in the Negative Zone prison. They come streaming out to line up behind Captain America.....

* * *

28 pages + cover • January 2007

In the Negative Zone, the fight is on. While Cap and Iron Man's teams are beating on each other, Dagger and Black Panther overtake the controls of the portal between the Zone and Ryker's. Maria Hill's command team tries to stop them, forcing Cloak to do a mass teleportation of all combatants from out of the Zone and through the portal. Overcome by the burden of carrying over 100 people, he can only drop them over Midtown Manhattan.

The fight continues once the combatants reorient themselves, leading to mass carnage in the city streets. Namor and his forces join the fight on the side of Cap, while the Thor clone, Mar-Vell and a cavalcade of other fighters join Iron Man's side as reinforcements. Iron Man and Cap once again square off, but the Vision short circuits Iron Man's suit, giving Cap the upper hand.

Ben Grimm has returned to the fight, but only to help innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire. Taskmaster fires a shot at Sue, but Reed jumps in the way, hurting him tremendously. Sue instinctively retaliates, smashing him into the ground with a force field. Hercules faces off against the Thor clone, demolishing him into bits.

Cap beats down Iron Man and is about to lay the final blow but he is gang tackled by some cops and firemen who won't let him kill Iron Man or continue to destroy the city. Stopped cold, Cap takes a look at the carnage they have created, adds up the loss of life and property in his head, and stands down. He takes off his mask, throws it to the ground and holds himself out the police for arrest, also ordering his teammates to stand down as well. While he is led off, the Punisher picks Cap's mask up off the ground....

As life returns to a new kind of normal, Reed writes Sue a letter asking her to return to her family. Eventually, she does. As Iron Man's 50 States Initiative is being deployed, he is offered the job of Director of SHIELD by the President. Tony shows Miriam Sharpe around the heli-carrier and explains to her his future plans as SHIELD director.

-- synopsis by Gormuu


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