> Civil War Collected Editions

> Marvel Universe TPBs



From the Mouths of the Marvels:


-- ?????



(Click panels for larger images.)


Featured Characters:

Amazing Spider-Man #532-538

  • Spider-Man/Pter Parker
  • Mary Jane
  • Aunt May
  • Iron Man/Tony Stark
  • Reed Richards
  • Captain America
  • J. Jonah Jameson


  Civil War: Amazing Spider-Man TPB

Reprints: Amazing Spider-Man #532-538

List price: $17.99 (US) • $29.00 (Canada)
ISBN: 0-7851-2237-0
Original Release Date: 04/18/07
168 pages

About This Book:

Life couldn't be more complicated -- or more dangerous -- for Peter Parker. After rushing to the aftermath of the Stamford Massacre to offer aid to its victims, Peter travels with Tony Stark to Washington, D.C., and the White House -- where the enactment of the Super Human Registration Act appears imminent. As the Marvel Universe braces for the implications of legislation that will forever change the societal status of super heroes, Peter is forced to make an important personal decision -- maybe the most important decision of his life. As Civil War tears apart the super hero community, will Spidey stay true to that decision?



Writer: J. Michael Straczynski
Pencils: Ron Garney
Inks: Bill Reinhold
Colors: Matt Milla
Letterer: VC's Cory Petit
Cover Art: Ron Garney
Editor: Axel Alonso

AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #532: "The War At Home Part 1"
22 pages + cover • July 2006

Iron Man and Spider-Man visit Stamford, then fly to Washington to meet the President, who tells them that the Super-Human Registration Act is going to pass. Tony solidifies Peter's future support for the stances he is going to take, whatever they might be: first off, he's throwing his full weight behind support of the Act; second, he tells Spider-Man it is time to unmask. After much thought, Peter takes this idea to Aunt May and Mary Jane, who both support him in his decision.

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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #533: "The War At Home Part 2"
23 pages + cover • August 2006

Jonah Jameson reacts angrily to Spider-Man's unmasking, infuriated by years of Peter Parker's lies, deceptions and playing him for a fool. Peter and Tony discuss his future now that he's outed himself as Spider-Man, with Peter still unsure and wary of what lies before him. Phone calls come in from Aunt May, Mary Jane, Sue Storm and Reed Richards, all of whom eventually overwhelm him with their well-intentioned support. Peter is surprised to receive service for a lawsuit in the sum of $5 million filed against him by the Daily Bugle. More reflections pour in about Spider-Man's unmasking from Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock, Doctor Octopus, the Vulture and more people from Spidey's life. Later, Iron Man announces the formation of a strike team that will hunt down non-registered heroes.

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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #534: "The War At Home Part 3"
23 pages + cover • September 2006

Iron Man leads the strike force in their first mission to ride shotgun over a prisoner transfer. Captain America's rebel group of Secret Avengers ambushes the convoy. Eventually, the fight evolves to where Captain America and Spider-Man have a one-on-one face-off. Reluctant fighters, they battle to a draw.

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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #535: "The War At Home Part 4"
21 pages + cover • November 2006

Tony Stark and the FF get $2 billion no-bid contracts to work on behalf of their registration security concerns, and Peter asks to inspect the prison. Iron Man takes Peter to the prison in the Negative Zone to look around. Peter becomes very wary of the prison, as well as his view of Iron Man's attitude. Reed explains to Peter that it's important to obey the law, no matter if it's unpopular. Tony decides to send Peter to Los Angeles as part of the 50 States Initiative. It dawns on Peter that he's on the wrong side, and he tries to tell May and Mary Jane that they need to take drastic steps to get away, but Iron Man detects Peter's change of heart and doesn't take too kindly to it.....

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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #536: "The War At Home Part 5"
22 pages + cover • November 2006

Spidey and Iron Man tussle, with Spidey eventually breaking free and escaping to get Mary Jane and Aunt May. He sets them up in an anonymous roadside motel to ride out the storm that will arise after he switches sides. He next arranges to go on live television to announce that he is coming out against registration. Iron Man tells his crew that it's time to bring Spider-Man in.....

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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #537: "The War At Home Part 6"
22 pages + cover • December 2006

A prostitute at the hotel recognizes Peter Parker and sells the information, which eventually makes its way to the Kingpin who orders a hit in reply. Captain America meets Spidey in a secret location and they discuss his state of mind. Cap encourages Peter with a quote from Mark Twain about standing on the principles of one's true convictions no matter what powers are arrayed against one's self. Meanwhile, an assassin stakes out the hotel with his sniper rifle, and as Spider-Man formally joins up with Cap's Secret Avengers, the sniper has both Mary Jane and May in his gun sights....

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AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #538: "The War At Home Part 7"
22 pages + cover • January 2007

The assassin is told to stand by until his primary target, Peter Parker, shows up to the hotel. Peter calls Mary Jane and tells her he's about to get in deep with the Secret Avengers plan to overcome the Negative Zone prison.

As the citizens of New York watch the scenes of the super-human civil war fill their TV screens, so, too, is the Kingpin watching from his prison cell. The final battle has been waged and one side has won. Spider-Man is counted among the missing, but later that evening, he has made his way back to the hotel. The assassin puts him in the sight of his high-powered rifle and fires a shot, but Peter's spider-sense alerts him and he pushes Mary Jane to the floor. The shot hits Aunt May.

-- synopsis by Gormuu


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